Get the right loan to effectively grow your business from the ground up. At Table Grove State Bank our Ag Services experts and seasoned lenders can and will create an industry friendly financing package that is tailor made to exactly match your unique needs. And, payment schedules will be timed to precisely align with your cash flow as well. Many great options are on the table. Which is best for you? We can help you decide.
Fixed-rate Loans
One to Seven Year Balloon-style Loans
We work together with Farm Service Agency to assist you and your operation to obtain financing. Whether it be your next new crop or expansion of an existing source of revenue, we're here to help bring the project together!
Local Agricultural Banking Experts
Equipment and Livestock Loans
Farming is the very heart and soul of our nation. The belly too. The weather. The economy. And other strong external forces will provide plenty of sources for stress. Your bank should not be one of them. And we won’t be. Quite the opposite in fact.
We have plenty of equipment and livestock loan alternatives, flexibility and payment options to create customized agricultural banking solutions that are tailor made for your business as the crops and livestock you so meticulously tend to every single day. Many great options are on the table. Which is best for you? We are here to help!